seonbi-0.6.0: SmartyPants for Korean language
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




data HtmlTagStack Source #

Represents a hierarchy of a currently parsing position in an HtmlTag tree.

For example, if an scanHtml has read "<a href="#"><b><i>foo</i> bar" it is represented as HtmlTagStack [B, A].

Note that the tags are stored in reverse order, from the deepest to the shallowest, to make inserting a more deeper tag efficient.

any :: (HtmlTag -> Bool) -> HtmlTagStack -> Bool Source #

Determine whether any element of the tag stack satisfies the predicate.

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> Text.Seonbi.Html.TagStack.any ((== Void) . htmlTagKind) [Div, P, Script]
>>> Text.Seonbi.Html.TagStack.any ((== Void) . htmlTagKind) [BR, P, Script]

descendsFrom :: HtmlTagStack -> HtmlTagStack -> Bool Source #

Check if a node (HtmlEntity) that a HtmlTagStack (the first argument) refers is contained by a node that another HtmlTagStack (the second argument), or they are sibling at least.

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> descendsFrom [Div, P, A, Em] [Div, P, A]
>>> descendsFrom [Div, P, A] [Div, P, A]
>>> descendsFrom [Div, P, Em] [Div, P, A]
>>> descendsFrom [Div, P] [Div, P, A]

elem :: HtmlTag -> HtmlTagStack -> Bool Source #

Determine whether the element occurs in the tag stack.

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> A `Text.Seonbi.Html.TagStack.elem` [A, B, Code]
>>> Em `Text.Seonbi.Html.TagStack.elem` [A, B, Code]

depth :: HtmlTagStack -> Int Source #

Count the depth of a stack.

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> depth empty
>>> depth [Div, Article, P, Em]

empty :: HtmlTagStack Source #

An empty stack.

fromList :: IsList l => [Item l] -> l #

The fromList function constructs the structure l from the given list of Item l

last :: HtmlTagStack -> Maybe HtmlTag Source #

Get the deepest tag from a HtmlTagStack.

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> let stack = [Div, Article, P, Em] :: HtmlTagStack
>>> last stack
Just Em
>>> last []

pop :: HtmlTag -> HtmlTagStack -> HtmlTagStack Source #

Pop the deepest tag from a HtmlTagStack.

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> pop Em [A, B, Em]
fromList [A,B]

It may pop a tag in the middle if a tag looking for is not the deepest:

>>> pop B [A, B, Em]
fromList [A,Em]

It does not affect to the input if there is no such tag in the input:

>>> pop P [A, B, Em]
fromList [A,B,Em]
>>> pop A empty
fromList []

push :: HtmlTag -> HtmlTagStack -> HtmlTagStack Source #

Push one deeper tag to a HtmlTagStack.

>>> push A empty
fromList [A]
>>> push B (push A empty)
fromList [A,B]

rebase :: HtmlTagStack -> HtmlTagStack -> HtmlTagStack -> HtmlTagStack Source #

Build a new stack from a stack by replacing its bottom with a new base.

>>> :set -XOverloadedLists
>>> rebase [Article, BlockQuote] [Div] [Article, BlockQuote, P, Em]
fromList [Div,P,Em]

If there are no such bottom elements, it replaces nothing.

>>> rebase [Div, Article, BlockQuote] [Div] [Article, BlockQuote, P, Em]
fromList [Article,BlockQuote,P,Em]

toList :: IsList l => l -> [Item l] #

The toList function extracts a list of Item l from the structure l. It should satisfy fromList . toList = id.